I have...
- Begun my professional career
- Become a pro at the "careful allocation" of vacation time
- Developed a habit of checking crude oil prices which, by the way, have dropped from $104 to $28 since I started working (Bloomberg Business)
- Built a life in a new city
- Made some incredible friendships along the way
Life in the New Orleans area is full -interesting people, rich culture (especially the food!!!) with plenty of festivals, events and music to enjoy. It has been a wonderful environment to explore and experience a new part of the world.

Just this past weekend, I went to the 80s-themed 610 Stompers Ball in Mardi Gras World, volunteered with some humbling local high-school students, attended Bowie Gras in the French Quarter, ate an INCREDIBLE meal at Jacques-Imo's (probably my new favorite restaurant...sorry, Cafe Pontalba) and then kayaked on the Bogue Falaya. Does that sound like a full-enough weekend? And Mardi Gras 2016 is already underway! The first of the more-famous parades is this weekend... LAISSEZ LES BON TEMPS ROULER!!
At work, I have found some amazing mentors. No one has ever pushed me away for asking too many questions and I do my best to approach every challenge and opportunity with a curious, approachable and engaging personality. My supervisor has an "open cubicle" policy and is always ready to listen. Whenever I approach my cube neighbor or "official" mentor with a question, he always responds with "Shoot" or "Answer", respectively. I have been so lucky to be part of the Bay Marchand and FE Shelf family... so much knowledge and encouragement to share, perfect to support a brand-not-so-new Boilermaker Alumna.
It took me 3 - 4 months to really feel like I had something to contribute to team discussions. Since then, I just continue to grow in my abilities and learn as much as I can every day. Transitioning to a working environment is really just a series of slightly awkward moments that you experience and overcome... just to do it over and over again.
Our contribution to Chevron's 2016 Super Bowl STEM Video Competition
I'll never forget the first time I went offshore with my fingernails painted. I had been working almost a year with the Operations Team and didn't think anything of my Chevron-blue nails when I took the helicopter out first thing in the morning. I walked right into the FC office at Romeo to shake DJ's hand and say hello. He greeted me with his normal "Well, how we doin'?" and as our hands broke apart, he exclaimed "Wow, I've never seen those offshore before!" It definitely took me by surprise and I wanted to respond, "Newsflash - times are changing." Instead, I laughed it off and told him that his red bandana and my nails were just representing Chevron.
Hard hat decal that I am designing
In addition to my Chevron engineering experiences, my Purdue Senior Design Team and I have continued to pursue our patented project. Check out our latest promo below which the Big Ten Network just began to air this past weekend...
LiveBig Campaign
This full-time "adult" life has taught me many things, but the most important lesson is to believe in myself and just go for it (with Tim Bayard's advice always in the back of my mind). The future is definitely uncertain and all we can do is control what's in our sphere of influence. Now that is not to say that I am not frustrated at times (recently more often than not) with the oil industry. No matter what I'm feeling, the thing that ALWAYS brings me back is the strong network of friends, family and co-workers that support me throughout my adventures.
At the moment, I just finished another episode of "Bones" and am headed off to bed with my new memory-foam pillow. This "adulting" thing really is pretty great once you get used to paying the bills and car loans...
In closing, I wanted to share one of my favorite mantras and prayers -
"God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can and the wisdom to know the difference."
More soon!
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